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Slovakia Church Books, 1592-1910 - Guide To The Roman Catholic Records, Part 1

I noticed the other day that FamilySearch had added a new database of use to those with Hungarian and Slovakian ancestors. They added the Slovakia Church Books, 1592-1910 database on March 22nd. I've personally been making great use of these records. The father-in-law of a friend of mine came from this area, along with various noble cousins of mine. I know these records can seem daunting to the researcher unversed in Hungarian or Slovakian research. The fact that the borders and names of towns changed constantly can give you a headache, too. I decided that creating a guide to these records would not only help me, but would help other researchers as well. I'm going to create a separate guide (blog post) for each religion.

Quick links to the other guides: 

This guide is focused on the Roman Catholic church records within this database.

The Roman Catholic church records guide begins here:

Slovakian: Banská Štiavnica
Hungarian: Selmecz-Bánya
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Svätý Jur
Hungarian: Szent-György
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Dunajská Streda
Hungarian: Duna-Szerdahely
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Báč
Hungarian: Bácsfa
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Baka
Hungarian: Al-Baka & Fel-Baka
Original County: Pozsony
Al-Baka, Fel-Baka, Nádasd
Slovakian: Baloň
Hungarian: Ballony
Original County: Győr
Ballony, Csiliz-Radvány, Kulcsod, Medve, Nyárad, Szap
Slovakian: Dolný Štál
Hungarian: Alistál
Original County: Pozsony
Alistál, Bögellő, Felistál, Padány, Tönye
Slovakian: Dunajská Streda
Hungarian: Duna-Szerdahely
Original County: Pozsony
Balázsfa, Csenkeszfa, Duna-Szerdahely, Hegybene-Éte, Kis-Udvarnok, Lidér-Tejed, Nagy-Udvarnok, Ollé-Tejed, Töbör-Éte, Tőkés, Pódafa, Sik-Abony
Slovakian: Gabčíkovo
Hungarian: Bős
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Holice
Hungarian: Egyház-Gelle
Original County: Pozsony
Beketfa, Cséfa, Csentőfa, Egyháza-Gelle, Kis-Budafa, Kis-Lúcs, Kisfalud, Nagy-Budafa, Nagy-Lúcs, Ó-Gelle, Pósfa, Sárosfa
Slovakian: Horný Bar
Hungarian: Felbár
Original County: Pozsony
Felbár, Nagy-Bodak, Süly
Slovakian: Jahodná
Hungarian: Eperjes
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Jurová
Hungarian: Dercsika
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Kostolné Kračany
Hungarian: Egyház-Karcsa
Original County: Pozsony
Amadé-Karcsa, Egyház-Karcsa, Erdőhát-Karcsa, Etre-Karcsa, Gönczöl-Karcsa, Királyfia-Karcsa, Kulcsár-Karcsa, Morócz-Karcsa, Pinke-Karcsa, Sipos-Karcsa, Solymos-Karcsa
Slovakian: Kľúčovec
Hungarian: Kulcsod
Original County: Győr
ERROR: These are REFORMED records, NOT Roman Catholic.
Slovakian: Lehnice
Hungarian: Kis-Lég, Nagy-Lég
Original County: Pozsony
Elő-Patony, Kis-Lég, Nagy-Lég, Szász
Slovakian: Michal na Ostrove
Hungarian: Szent-Mihályfa
Original County: Pozsony
Benke-Patony, Bögöly-Patony, Csécsény-Patony, Diós-Patony, Förge-Patony, Lögér-Patony, Szent-Mihályfa
Slovakian: Nový Život
Hungarian: Illésháza
Original County: Pozsony
Bél-Vatta, Illésháza, Tonkháza
Slovakian: Okoč
Hungarian: Ekecs
Original County: Komárom
Alsó-Gellér, Apácza-Szakállas, Bogya, Csicsó, Ekecs, Felső-Gellér, Lak-Szakállas, Szilas, Turi-Szakállas
Slovakian: Šamorín
Hungarian: Somorja
Original County: Pozsony
Búcsúháza, Csölösztő, Gútor, Királyfia, Somorja, Szemet, Tejfalu, Uszor,
Slovakian: Štvrtok na Ostrove
Hungarian: Csütörtök
Original County: Pozsony
Béke, Csákány, Csütörtök, Gomba
Slovakian: Tešedíkovo
Hungarian: Pered
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Topoľníky
Hungarian: Alsó-Nyárasd & Felső-Nyárasd
Original County: Pozsony
Alsó-Nyárasd, Felső-Nyárasd
Slovakian: Trhová Hradská
Hungarian: Vásárút
Original County: Pozsony
Vámosfalu, Vásárút
Slovakian: Veľká Paka
Hungarian: Nagy-Paka
Original County: Pozsony
Csukár-Paka, Kis-Paka, Maczháza, Nagy-Paka,
Slovakian: Veľké Blahovo
Hungarian: Nagy-Abony
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Veľký Meder
Hungarian: Nagy-Megyer
Original County: Komárom
Izsap, Nagy-Megyer
Slovakian: Vojka nad Dunajom
Hungarian: Vajka
Original County: Pozsony
Doborgaz, Keszölczés, Vajka
Slovakian: Vrakúň
Hungarian: Várkony
Original County: Pozsony
Nyék, Várkony
Slovakian: Zlaté Klasy
Hungarian: Nagy-Magyar
Original County: Pozsony
Alsó-Jányok, Bústelek, Csenke, Felső-Jányok, Kis-Magyar, Nagy-Magyar, Olgya, Vajas-Vatta
Slovakian: Galanta
Hungarian: Galánta
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Dolná Streda (& Váhovce)
Hungarian: Vág-Szerdahely
Original County: Pozsony
Vága, Vág-Szerdahely
Slovakian: Dolné Saliby
Hungarian: Alsó-Szeli
Original County: Pozsony
Alsó-Szeli, Deáki
ERROR: These are EVANGELICAL records, NOT Roman Catholic.
Slovakian: Galanta
Hungarian: Galánta
Original County: Pozsony
Barakony, Galántha, Gány, Hodi, Nebojsza
Slovakian: Horné Saliby
Hungarian: Felső-Szeli
Original County: Pozsony
Alsó-Szeli, Felső-Szeli
Slovakian: Jelka
Hungarian: Jóka
Original County: Pozsony
Jóka, Ujhely-Jóka
Slovakian: Kajal
Hungarian: Kajal
Original County: Pozsony
Kajal, Tós-Nyárasd
Slovakian: Košúty
Hungarian: Kossut
Original County: Pozsony
Hegy, Kossut
Slovakian: Kráľov Brod
Hungarian: Királyrév
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Matúškovo
Hungarian: Taksony
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Mostová
Hungarian: Hidaskürth
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Pusté Úľany
Hungarian: Puszta-Födémes
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Sereď
Hungarian: Szered
Original County: Pozsony
Alsó-Csöpöny, Közép-Csöpöny, Szered, Szered-Ujváros
Slovakian: Šintava
Hungarian: Sempthe
Original County: Nyitra
Slovakian: Sládkovičovo
Hungarian: Diószeg
Original County: Pozsony
Kis-Mácséd, Magyar-Diószeg, Német-Diószeg
Slovakian: Šoporňa
Hungarian: Sopornya
Original County: Nyitra
Patta, Sopornya
Slovakian: Tomášikovo
Hungarian: Tallós
Original County: Pozsony
Tallós, Vezekény
Slovakian: Trstice
Hungarian: Nádszeg
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Veľká Mača
Hungarian: Nagy-Mácséd
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Veľké Úľany
Hungarian: Nagy-Födémes
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Hlohovec
Hungarian: Galgócz
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Dvorníky
Hungarian: Udvarnok
Original County: Pozsony
Kis-Udvarnok, Nagy-Udvarnok
Slovakian: Hlohovec
Hungarian: Galgócz
Original County: Nyitra
Galgócz, Kapláth, Szent-Péter
Slovakian: Horné Otrokovce
Hungarian: Felső-Attrak
Original County: Nyitra
Felső-Attrak, Tököld, Tót-Diós
Slovakian: Horné Trhovište
Hungarian: Felső-Vásárd
Original County: Nyitra
Alsó-Attrak, Felső-Vásárd, Fornószegh
Slovakian: Horné Zelenice
Hungarian: Felső-Zélle
Original County: Nyitra
Alsó-Zélle, Felső-Zélle, Szilad
Slovakian: Leopoldov
Hungarian: Ujvároska
Original County: Nyitra
Beregszegh, Ujvároska
Slovakian: Madunice
Hungarian: Madunicz
Original County: Nyitra
Slovakian: Merašice
Hungarian: Merasicz
Original County: Nyitra
Alsó-Kaáp, Alsó-Merasicz, Felső-Kaáp, Felső-Merasicz, Püspökfalu
Slovakian: Pastuchov
Hungarian: Pásztó
Original County: Nyitra
Alsó-Vásárd, Gellényfalu, Pásztó
Slovakian: Komárno
Hungarian: Komárom
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Číčov
Hungarian: Csicsó
Original County: Komárom
Slovakian: Trávnik
Hungarian: Füss
Original County: Komárom
Slovakian: Krupina
Hungarian: Korpona
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Drietoma
Hungarian: Drjethoma
Original County: Trencsén
Drjethoma, Kis-Chocholna, Kosztolna, Nagy-Chocholna
Slovakian: Žihárec
Hungarian: Zsigárd
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Levice
Hungarian: Léva
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Bohunice
Hungarian: Bohunicz
Original County: Pozsony
Bohunicz, Jászlócz, Pagyerócz
Slovakian: Malacky
Hungarian: Malaczka
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Gajary
Hungarian: Gajár
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Jablonové
Hungarian: Almás
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Jakubov
Hungarian: Jakabfalu
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Kuchyňa
Hungarian: Konyha
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Lozorno
Hungarian: Lozornó
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Láb
Hungarian: Laáb
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Malacky
Hungarian: Malaczka
Original County: Pozsony
Kiripolcz, Malaczka
Slovakian: Malé Leváre
Hungarian: Kis-Lévárd
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Marianka
Hungarian: Máriavölgy
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Pernek
Hungarian: Pernek
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Plavecký Mikuláš
Hungarian: Detrekő-Szent-Miklós
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Plavecký Štvrtok
Hungarian: Detrekő-Csütörtök
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Rohožník
Hungarian: Rohrbach
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Sološnica
Hungarian: Széleskút
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Studienka
Hungarian: Haszprunka
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Stupava
Hungarian: Stomfa
Original County: Pozsony
Borostyánkő, Maászt, Stomfa
Slovakian: Veľké Leváre
Hungarian: Nagy-Lévárd
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Vysoká pri Morave
Hungarian: Hochstettnó
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Zohor
Hungarian: Zohor
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Záhorská Ves
Hungarian: Magyarfalva
Original County: Pozsony
Dimburg, Magyarfalva
Slovakian: Závod
Hungarian: Závod
Original County: Pozsony
Slovakian: Michalovce
Hungarian: Nagy-Mihály
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Zemplínske Kopčany
Hungarian: Kopcsány
Original County: Nyitra
ERROR: These records are called Kopčany NOT Zemplínske Kopčany. They should belong to Skalica District. Kopčany is in Western Slovakia, whereas Zemplínske Kopčany is in Eastern Slovakia.
Slovakian: Myjava
Hungarian: Miava
Parish: Comprised of the following villages:
Slovakian: Brezová pod Bradlom
Hungarian: Brezova or Berezó
Original County: Nyitra
Slovakian: Kostolné
Hungarian: Kosztolna
Original County: Nyitra
Kosztolna, Vagyócz
ERROR: These are EVANGELICAL records, NOT Roman Catholic.
Slovakian: Myjava
Hungarian: Miava
Original County: Nyitra
Slovakian: Vrbovce
Hungarian: Verbócz
Original County: Nyitra


  1. Thank you for putting this up and for all your help in helping me locate my husband's ancestors. If anyone can find them I know you can!


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