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Hungarian Funeral Notices & Family Relationship Terms List

An often overlooked Hungarian collection on FamilySearch holds a treasure trove of genealogical information. Hungary Funeral Notices, 1840-1990 are printed funeral or death notices, similar to obituaries in other counties, and the originals are currently held at the National Széchényi Library (Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, or OSZK) in Budapest, Hungary. Over a quarter of the collection covers Budapest and the remainder for the rest of Hungary, although I have seen notices for individuals in Austria, Germany and what is now Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. The funeral notices were preserved on microfilm by the LDS between 2003-2006 and consists of 582 microfilm and can be reviewed in the microfilm catalog. These were later digitized (accessible through both links above), but 9 microfilm still remain to be digitized. It's unclear why Syatmárz, Syecsez, Syeibert, and Syékely are spelled with SY, when it should be SZ.
Ebeczki-Blaskovich, Ernő-Edelényi Szabó, József 2362003
Füzi, András-Füzi, Szaniszló 2455816, item 1
Gaál, Ádám-Gabler, Anna 2455816, item 2
Kovács, Gabika-Kovács, József 2455817
Kováts, Sándor-Koymári, Imre 2455818
Szász, J. József-Syatmárz, Ede 2455810
Syatmárz, Ede-Syecsez, Ernő 2455811
Syecsez, Ernő-Syeibert, Imre 2455812
Syeibert, Imre-Syékely, Lujza 2455813
Syékely, Lujza-Szél, Juditnak 2455814

  FamilySearch has already provided a great example of what could be found on these funeral notices (above), and detailed explanations of the content can be found on the collection's Wiki page. Apart from the deceased's age, date and place of death and burial, and sometimes how many years they were married, the most beneficial part of the funeral notices are the names of the surviving family members. I have put together a list of terms that are most often found on the funeral notices, which should help with understanding the family relationships being described.

anya mother
anyós mother-in-law
anyósa his/her mother-in-law
apa father
após father-in-law
apósa his/her father-in-law
asszony wife
atya father
dédnagyanya great-grandmother
dédnagyapa great-grandfather
dédunoka great-grandchild
dédunokája great-grandchildren
feleség wife
felesége his wife
férj husband
férje her husband
fia son
gyerek child
gyermeke his/her child
gyermek child
gyermekei his/her children
gyermekeik their children
gyermekek children
gyermekük their child
hitves spouse
hitvese his/her spouse
leánya daughter
meny daughter-in-law
menye his/her daughter-in-law
mostohaanya step-mother
mostohaapa step-father
mostohagyerek step-child
nagyanya grandmother
nagyapa grandfather
nagybácsi uncle
nagynéni aunt
nagyszül grandparent
nagyszülők grandparents
neje his wife
nővér sister
nővére his/her sister
nővérek sisters
özvegy widow, widower
özvegye his/her widow/widower
szül parent
szülei his/her parents
szülok parents
szülött children
született born
sógor brother-in-law
sógora his/her brother-in-law
sógorai his/her brothers-in-law
sógornő sister-in-law
sógornői his/her sisters-in-law
sógornők sisters-in-law
testvér sibling, brother, sister
testvére his/her sibling
testvérei his/her siblings
testvérek siblings
unoka grandchild
unokahúg niece
unokái his/her grandchildren
unokája grandchildren
unokaöccs nephew
unokatestvér cousin
unokaveje his/her grandson-in-law
unokavejei his/her grandsons-in-law
vej son-in-law
veje his/her son-in-law

I've created an example family tree from the information provided in the funeral notice of Borbála Dienes, who is stated as the wife of Lajos Dobay, the Reformed pastor of Nagy-Sármás. Her funeral notice provides the name of her husband, children, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.


  1. Nick, how very helpful! A similar aid for Poles is Thomas Golembiewski's "The Study of Obituaries as a Source for Polish Genealogical Research."

  2. That's great, very helpful indeed!

  3. This is great but I must correct a part. Növér ( sorry my key board does not distinguish between long and short vowels) is older sister. Húg is younger sister. Báty is older brother and Öcs is younger brother ( These were left out of the list)



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