A recent request for guidance in the Hungary Exchange group on Facebook sparked my curiosity about the accuracy of the Hungarian baptismal indexes available at FamilySearch.org. I helped verify the location of her ancestor's place of birth and while reviewing the document I noticed that quite a few of the baptisms on the page had been indexed incorrectly, including the specific entry we were looking for. I decided to copy & paste the index from FamilySearch spanning three pages from the Roman Catholic parish of Fehér-Gyarmat, Szatmár megye and then transcribed a correct version of what actually appears on the original documents. I have made my corrections in RED BOLD text below. FAMILYSEARCH MINE PAGE 31 Child: Gyula Gyula Baptism: 6 January 1880 6 January 1880 Father: János Pálvék János Pálvik Mother: Zourzainna Kajas Zsuzsánna...
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