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Showing posts from March, 2016

Inaccuracies In FamilySearch's Hungarian Baptismal Indexes

A recent request for guidance in the Hungary Exchange group on Facebook sparked my curiosity about the accuracy of the Hungarian baptismal indexes available at I helped verify the location of her ancestor's place of birth and while reviewing the document I noticed that quite a few of the baptisms on the page had been indexed incorrectly, including the specific entry we were looking for. I decided to copy & paste the index from FamilySearch spanning three pages from the Roman Catholic parish of Fehér-Gyarmat, Szatmár megye and then transcribed a correct version of what actually appears on the original documents. I have made my corrections in RED BOLD text below. FAMILYSEARCH MINE PAGE 31 Child: Gyula Gyula Baptism: 6 January 1880 6 January 1880 Father: János Pálvék János Pálvik Mother: Zourzainna Kajas Zsuzsánna...'s Hungarian Civil Registration Records has added a new database today called  Hungary, Civil Registration, 1799-1978 . I'd like to discuss some errors and issues I have with this database. First off, I'm not entirely sure why the content is listed as beginning in 1799, since civil registration didn't begin in Hungary until October 1, 1895. From what I can see there are no images available for browsing and minimal indexes are available. The source information states the following for the database: Original data: Hungary, Civil Registration, 1895-1980. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. These indexes came from FamilySearch, where they are easily browsable and searchable (for the sliver of what has been indexed so far). For Free.  I began to wonder if the indexes were indeed one and the same from FamilySearch, so I did some searching. I know for a fact that I indexed and arbitrated the civil registration records for the town of Szentmihály in Szabolcs county, where my great-grandfather wa...