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Showing posts from December, 2014

Hungary Exchange Facebook Group Reachs 2,000 Members! And A Contest!

In celebration of Hungary Exchange's Facebook group reaching 2,000 members, I have decided to have a contest! Magyar Marketing and myself have graciously donated several items for the contest: A laminated map of Hungary , circa 1910, highlighting the borders of Hungary prior to it's separation from the Treaty of Trianon. Each county is highlighted in it's own color and crests (coat of arms) for each county can be found along the borders of the map. A DVD of "Trianon ", a film directed by Gábor Koltay. Authentic Hungarian paprika! Enter The Contest Here! (THE CONTEST HAS ENDED) The winners are: Julie Kossnar: Map of Hungary Judy Kilhefner: DVD of Trianon Debbie Stone: Hungarian Paprika Contest Rules : One entry per person. You must be a member of the Hungary Exchange Facebook group . Contest ends on Sunday, December 21st, at 11:59pm, central time. Three winners will be randomly generated and announced on Monday, December 22nd.

Roman Catholic Marriage Records for Jánoshida parish, Jász-Nagy-Kun-Szolnok county

944 new marriage records spanning 1788-1833 have been indexed and added to the Hungarian Marriage Project at Hungary Exchange . These marriage records are for the Roman Catholic parish of Jánoshida in Jász-Nagy-Kun-Szolnok county, Hungary. Thank you to Dániel Gerhát for taking the time to index and contribute these records to Hungary Exchange! If Hungary Exchange and the Hungarian Marriage Project in particular have helped your research in any way, consider volunteering your time to index and make more marriage records available! I will provide you with everything you need from the indexing templates and marriage records to index. Feel free to contact me if you're interested!

Roman Catholic Marriage Records for Öttevény parish, Győr county

510 new marriage records spanning 1857-1900 have been indexed and added to the Hungarian Marriage Project at Hungary Exchange . These marriage records are for the Roman Catholic parish of Öttevény (sometimes spelled Eöttevény) in Győr county, Hungary. If Hungary Exchange and the Hungarian Marriage Project in particular have helped your research in any way, consider volunteering your time to index and make more marriage records available! I will provide you with everything you need from the indexing templates and marriage records to index. Feel free to contact me if you're interested!

Roman Catholic Marriage Records for Vitnyéd parish, Sopron county

711 new marriage records spanning 1852-1908 have been indexed and added to the Hungarian Marriage Project at Hungary Exchange . These marriage records are for the Roman Catholic parish of Vitnyéd (formerly Vittnyéd), in Sopron county, Hungary. If you haven't done so already, make sure to submit your surnames and villages to the Surname Database to aid in connecting with others researching the same surnames or villages as you.