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Showing posts from November, 2015

3,000 Members! And A Sale!

The Hungary Exchange Facebook group has reached 3,000 members! I'm delighted that both the website and Facebook group have grown so much in the past FIVE! years since their creation! It gives me such joy to help my fellow Hungarians learn more about their ancestors and heritage. Thank you to everyone who has helped to make our group as successful as it has been, and continues to be. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful group of fellow Hungarians and genealogists!  Köszönöm szépen! In light of this fantastic milestone, Hungary Exchange is offering a pre-holiday sale of 15% off professional services*. Detailed information about what research you can be assisted with can be found here , at the Hungary Exchange website. Free estimates and references are always available and I can be contacted directly at my email address: The sale ends Sunday, November 15th, 2015. *Cannot be used towards Romanian photography or existing projects.