Over 1,200 marriage records for the Evangelical and Roman Catholic parishes of Nagy-Várad, Bihar county, Hungary ( present-day Oradea, Bihor county, Romania ), have been added to the Hungarian Marriage Project at Hungary Exchange . Nagy-Várad was the capital of Bihar county and in 1880 had a population of over 30,000 people. At that time, the population in Nagy-Várad was about 87% Hungarian and about 7% Romanian. You can find more about this history of Nagy-Várad/Oradea here . The Evangelical records date from 1827-1915 and are comprised of 491 marriage records. The Roman Catholic records date from 1889-1910 and are comprised of 748 marriage records. Work is currently in progress to index the Reformed marriage records from 1853-1908. Contributions and donations to Hungary Exchange will help make even more records available.
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